
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April Update!

Hi Everyone!  I want to mention how proud I am of the effort students gave on the MCAS testing.  Well done!

For the last couple of weeks in ELA we have focused on learning how to take two-column notes for different types of open response test questions.  The children have worked hard turning notes into essays which they have submitted to me through google classroom.

We are currently reading and writing poetry in class.  Poetry activities have involved representing real world objects through the use of the five senses.  We have also written poetry that has us writing/brainstorming images that are part of an important memory. These poems will be published in Seesaw.

In math we are finishing up Topic 11 (Representing and Interpreting Data on a Line Plot) and will begin Topic 12 (Understanding and Comparing Decimals) in the near future.

In Science we are studying Earth's Changing Surface.  We shook up rocks to create sand and asked the question "How did the Grand Canyon form?"