
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Lowell Mills Field Trip!

Below are some pictures from the trip. The class traced the immigrant experience through hands on activities that involved artifact scavenger hunts, taking a tour of the mill facility, participating in a town hall meeting and unpacking and exploring artifacts from many different cultures.  Enjoy!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Welcome Groot!

Below are some pictures of Ms. Pavlicek introducing Room 12 students to Groot, our new classroom pet. Groot is a Gecko.

Land's Sake Field Trip!

Here are some pictures from our Land's Sake Field Trip.  Students are pollinating flowers, identifying different types of pollinators and enjoying farm fresh herbs!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Book Buddies!

Room 12 had their first Book Buddies meeting of the new school year.  We are Book Buddies with Ms. Christie's kindergarten class!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Welcome Room 12 Families!

Hello Everyone!

I'm excited about us having the chance to work together this school year. I hope you will check this blog to keep up with exciting happenings in Room 12 and the Fourth Grade in general.  Please note that this year I will also be using Seesaw as a way to communicate daily homework assignments.  Seesaw will give you the opportunity as a parent to have direct notification when homework has been assigned. All homework assignments will also be recorded on the homework page of this blog.  So you will be able to check homework that was assigned yesterday or even last week.

My Back to School Night presentation can be found by clicking here.  Please note that the presentation has active links!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April Update!

Hi Everyone!  I want to mention how proud I am of the effort students gave on the MCAS testing.  Well done!

For the last couple of weeks in ELA we have focused on learning how to take two-column notes for different types of open response test questions.  The children have worked hard turning notes into essays which they have submitted to me through google classroom.

We are currently reading and writing poetry in class.  Poetry activities have involved representing real world objects through the use of the five senses.  We have also written poetry that has us writing/brainstorming images that are part of an important memory. These poems will be published in Seesaw.

In math we are finishing up Topic 11 (Representing and Interpreting Data on a Line Plot) and will begin Topic 12 (Understanding and Comparing Decimals) in the near future.

In Science we are studying Earth's Changing Surface.  We shook up rocks to create sand and asked the question "How did the Grand Canyon form?"

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March Update!

Spring!  I hope everyone is enjoying the longer days and warming temperatures!

Here is a brief review of what we have covered in March.

Math- We completed our work on addition and subtraction of fractions, most recently Topic 9 -Understand Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. Our new unit is Topic 10 Extend Multiplication Concepts to Fractions. The use of pictures, bar diagrams and fraction bars have helped to make fraction concepts easier to understand.  We are working hard on our ST Math lessons also.  We find some time each morning for ST Math.  It's important for students to work on ST Math each day for 10-15 minutes as homework. This program is aligned with the math topics being taught in class and offers important support and enrichment.

Reading- We continued our use of the two column note strategy to help us learn how to locate main ideas and details.  Our strategy for finding main ideas involves locating all of the important details in a text and then finding the main idea based on those details. What do all of the details have in common?  We also continue learning about text structures and have completed our work on compare/contrast and cause/effect structures.

Writing- We are completing our Canada/Mexico Research Projects this week!  Students have been publishing to websites and Book Creator.  These projects are being published in Seesaw.

Social Studies- We completed our tour of the Southeast.  We have made stops in Jamestown, New Orleans, and Montgomery. Our test on the southeast is Tuesday, April 2nd.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February Update!

Hi Everyone!  We are finishing February on a productive note.  I enjoyed seeing the work that has been submitted so far on Family Playlists.  Thank You Room 12 parents for your patience and willingness to take part in this pilot program.

In Reading we are currently studying text structures (cause-effect, description, problem-solution, sequence, compare/contrast) and learning how to write summaries of texts that use these structures. Our work in writing continues to be our Canada/Mexico research projects.  Many students are close to completing their rough drafts and will soon be able to begin to edit and publish their work. Publishing will be done through a student choice of website, book creator, brochure or poster.

In Math we completed Topic 6 which is a unit on problem solving and Topic 8 on equivalent fractions. Each day during the Solve and Share portion of our math lesson groups get a chance to draw their thinking out on a white board and share it with the rest of the class.  I am pleased with the math discussions coming out of these experiences.

We completed our Science unit on Energy and are now studying the regions of the United States.  We are currently working on the Northeast Region of our country. Our studies take us to different stops around the Northeast.  Below is a picture of students working on an assembly line in Hershey, Pennsylvania. One student is the wrapper cutter, the next in line is the candy placer, and the last student in line is the candy wrapper.