
Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving and November Update!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday recess. It will soon be time for Parent-Teacher Conferences.  If you are unsure of your day and time please let me know and I will be in touch.

In math we are completing Topic 3 in our enVision program.  This unit covers the multiplication of 2, 3, and 4 digit numbers by a 1 digit number.  We began by applying the commutative, associative and distributive properties  of multiplication to equations.  We learned how to group numbers to estimate answers to problems in our heads before engaging in paper and pencil tasks. An important understanding in this unit is that the grouping of numbers by 10s makes them more manageable and easier to compute.  Being able to break numbers down by place value, multiply them and then add up the parts is a skill that helps children take ownership of mathematical tasks and to develop a deeper conceptual understanding of numbers. Example: 3x418= 3x8 + 3x10 + 3x400

Guided reading lessons have focused on theme and point of view.  We have learned to look at the elements of fiction (setting, plot, and character) to see what they reveal about theme. We also continue to work on building our vocabulary through research of unknown vocabulary words and  i-Ready instruction.

We have learned how to revise and edit our completed personal narratives. We have also continued to develop our writing fluency through the use of our writing journals.

We are nearing the end of our Immigration Unit in Social Studies. In this unit we have learned some basic note taking skills as we read about and took notes on various immigrant groups who came to the United States in the early 20th Century.  We also learned to interpret photographs based on the immigration experience.  We did an Immigration Webquest that through pictures, videos and audio allowed the children to take the perspective of an immigrant coming through Ellis Island in the early 20th Century.