Hi Everyone,
It's hard to believe we have less than two weeks left in October. I wanted to give you a brief review of the exciting happenings in Room 12!
Reading- In guided reading we are studying the elements of fiction- setting, plot, character and theme. We are doing this through the use of high interest picture books that are rich in literary details. The children have been learning how to identify the elements of fiction in a story, use post-it notes to mark key points in the text and then to take notes in a two-column note format. They are then taking those notes and creating summaries of what they've read.
Writing- Our Writer's Workshop is well underway. Daily writing instruction focuses on a mini-lesson (crafting leads, conclusions, adding describing words to our writing etc.) followed by independent writing time and a brief reflection at the end of instruction. We are currently in the middle of a unit on writing Personal Narratives. We have been studying mentor texts to learn about the features of a great personal narrative and then learning how to include those features in our own writing.
Math- We completed our work on addition and subtraction of multi-digit whole numbers. We learned how to round numbers and estimate in order to check our answers for accuracy. We are now learning about factors and multiples as a precursor to learning how to multiply by 1 digit numbers.
Science- Our unit on Plant and Animal Structures is coming to a close. The children have built pollinators and will test them to see how well they pick up pollen (baking soda) from one model flower and deliver it to another. This unit has involved the children in research, note taking, investigation, cooperative learning and the engineering-design process.
The pictures below show students testing materials that will be used to create their pollinators. Which material is best at picking up pollen and dropping it off? Ask you child!