
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Donations for Flowers

Parents, please consider sending in a $2 donation for flowers if your son or daughter is in chorus and a $3 donation if your son or daughter is in chorus and band/strings.  The donation will be applied to flowers which are given to our music teachers at the end of tonight's Go West performance.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Marshall Simonds Visit and May Update!

A brief reminder that students will visit the Marshall Simonds Middle School on Tuesday, May 30th.  We will leave Fox Hill School at 8:45 am. and return at 10:30.

This month we had the opportunity to enjoy a special assembly based on the Revolutionary War.  Students enjoyed dressing up as soldiers from that time period and learning many fascinating details about our country's early history.

We moved from our study of the Revolutionary War to a science unit on matter.  The Modeling Matter Unit will wrap up early next week.  The children have been recording their written observations about experiments in their digital science journals.  We have been learning how matter behaves at the molecular level as well as how matter can change forms and yet remain the same amount of particles (conservation of matter).  The children's journals contain particle models which were both enjoyable and challenging to create.

In math we have completed our study of fractions.  We also completed a short unit on volume.  We are now learning about measurement, both customary and metric.  We will complete the year with a unit on representing and interpreting data.

In language arts we are currently reading the core book Bud, Not Buddy. The study of theme and the use of essential questions will be important focuses for us as they were with our core book Hatchet. We are learning about America during the Great Depression, the time period of our book.  Mini-research projects on the New Deal are being created in the form of brochures. We have completed a brief unit on poetry writing.  Our class is full of great poets! We are now writing persuasive/opinion pieces in the form of persuasive letters. Next week we will write Public Service Announcements.