
Thursday, March 30, 2017

March Update!

In math our work has centered on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers as well as multiplying fractions and mixed numbers.  Mixed numbers and fractions require the use of multiplication and division in heavy doses.  So there is plenty of room for careless mistakes during calculation.  Therefore, practice of multiplication and division facts is helpful. I urge all fifth graders to keep their math skills sharp by using flashcards or Reflex Math. Our fraction work is not just confined to learning about the algorithms required to solve number sentences.  We are also working on word problems that involve fractions as they relate to real world situations.

In language arts we set up See Saw.  See Saw is a digital learning space that allows parents to access a digital portfolio of their child's work.  The children got a chance to utilize technology to show what they knew about books they read.  So far, we have included our MCBA digital book projects in See Saw.  Some children have included pieces of writing.  We've worked on Text Structures in guided reading, learning about cause-effect relationships.  We've also done some summarizing, using cause-effect relationships to help us organize our thinking. We are currently learning about Point of View in narrative writing and are studying how to answer open response questions on the language arts MCAS test.  The MCAS test for language arts will take place Tuesday, April 4-Thursday, April 6.

In Science we've created models that depict how the Earth, Sun, and stars are related to each other. We've also used these models to demonstrate how these relationships affect our seasons as well as what we see in the sky at different times of the year.  The study of shadows, how they are formed and why they change size has also been part of our work.  We've created multi-media book creator projects that demonstrate our understanding of all of these science concepts.  Mrs. Jaffe, Mrs Lee and I have been collaborating on these projects and it has been rewarding to see the children working together to learn important space science content that is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.

We are currently learning about the causes leading up to the Revolutionary War in social studies.  As with the space science unit this unit is being taught in homeroom.  

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Today students in my language arts class received parent letters for SeeSaw.  Once you set up your account you will be able to view your child's digital MCBA Book Project.  Each time your child submits a piece of work to their digital portfolio you will receive a notification! Let me know if you have any questions.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Fifth Grade Student Council Fundraiser!

The Kindness Committee of the Fifth Grade Student Council is starting a fund raising campaign to raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation. The money supports research to treat the disease and find a cure. The committee has several fund raisers planned for the spring. The first is a coin drive that begins Monday, March 6. We have donation bins placed in each pod and one in the school lobby, as well. Today, two of our students made a school-wide announcement about the campaign. We hope you will talk with your child about this worthy cause. Please consider sending your child to school with loose change or a dollar bill to contribute to our fund raiser. 

Thank You!