
Friday, January 23, 2015

Late January Update!

In math we are currently working on division of decimals.  We will continue dividing decimals next week.  I am tentatively scheduling a math test for Thursday based on the amount of reviewing we are able to do early in the week. In science we are doing research on animals and how their body structure helps them adapt to their environment.  We continue to practice strategies for good note taking.  In ELA we have been preparing for the PARCC Test which will be given in mid March.  Students have been learning strategies for answering open response questions in an online environment.  They have also been learning how to gather evidence from a text and use that evidence to support their own answers.  We have also been practicing narrative writing in preparation for PARCC testing.  Today we read a story about a conflict between Paul Bunyan and Johnny Appleseed and then rewrote it from a different point of view.  

We recently received classroom pets from the science center.  Natalie, Alex and Dylan are three gerbils that are fortunate to have the students of Room 12 caring for them!  Everyone has done a terrific job being responsible caretakers.  Have a nice weekend everyone.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Early January Update!

Hi Everyone,

Our first week back has been a busy one.  In math we are finishing up multiplication of decimals.  We will have the Topic 6 Test on Tuesday.  If you are interested in having your child do additional practice to prepare for the test, check out the Topic 6 re-teach section found in their enVision math books.  This reteach section can also be accessed online. In ELA we have completed informational power writes on free choice science topics.  The children have chosen to write on a diverse range of subjects from animal behavior to severe weather systems.  Using the Alpha Box Strategy for collecting key words in a piece of non-fiction has helped to make student writing more exact and informative. We are currently learning how to write good answers to open-response test questions. In science we are learning how to research a topic and write an informational essay based on our research.  I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone!  This message is primarily for my ELA class.  If possible I would like parents to set up Grammar Workshop accounts for their children.  The procedure for doing this is in the Online Instructional Resources For Fifth Graders packet that was given out at Back to School Night.  If you need another packet please let me know.