
Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone has a good vacation week.  Today we had our Be The One Assembly with Mrs. Johnson.  The fifth graders shared a video presentation that demonstrated kids "being the One."  Every fifth grader was involved in this project and the video was outstanding.  In Room 12 we have been working hard on many new initiatives.  In science we have completed our study of cells and have begun a research project on human body systems.  So far we have studied a "mentor" text to see what outstanding research writing looks like.  We have listed the qualities of outstanding writing and noted them in the text.  Next school week we will begin gathering facts for our research.  Writing/research groups have been formed based on student interest in the circulatory system, nervous system, digestive system or muscular system.  In math we are learning to multiply decimals.  In reading we are approaching the end of our study of the realistic fiction book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.  We have used the book to make predictions and write from a different point of view. We have also learned to quote the text when answering questions based on the text. We will conclude our study of the book by analyzing the author's style.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Science Test This Week!

Room 12 will have a science test on Wednesday, February 5th.  Room 11 will have a science test on Thursday, February 6th.  The study guide was handed out on Friday.  Some children have chosen to make flashcards to review the science vocabulary that will be on the test.  Other children have chosen to create power point type presentations in Google Docs.  This test requires that children learn the vocabulary content studied in class.  They should also be able to label a plant and animal cell.  There is no written response part to this test.  The vocabulary will be presented in a fill in the blank format with a vocabulary word bank.  I hope this information helps make studying easier.